Steam Remote Play Together

Steam remote play together, long before we all had a high-speed internet connection, multiplayer for games were local.

This multiplayer could either use two controllers connected to the PC or to a console, divide the computer keyboard with our friend, or be in the best case in a local network.

Although all modern games today come with support for Internet play, there are great old games that are still dependent on local multiplayer.

And Steam has wanted to bring online these games thanks to Remote Play Together.

How to activate Steam Remote Play Together?

  • The first thing we must do to be able to use this function is to activate the Steam remote play function.
  • To do this, we will open the game client and enter the Steam configuration from the Steam> Parameters section.
  • We must select the ” Remote Play ” section and make sure that the function is enabled.
  • If we already have it enabled, we close the Steam configuration window. Then we will be ready to start with this feature thing.

How to invite an individual to play our local game over the Internet?

  • Once we have this feature enabled, the next step will invite our friends to join our game.
  • To begin with, we will open the game that we want to use and, once inside. We will press the keyboard shortcut Shift + Tab. The Steam panel will be exposed to our list of friends.
  • However, we click on the friend we want to invite, and we can see how an option called « Remote Play Together « appears.
  • Contingent on the game (if, for example, it has a good local network game API), we can see other options (such as directly invite the LAN multiplayer lobby).
  • We request the friend, and we can see a relay waiting room. We will pause for him to connect, and we can start communicating with him.
  • Automatically the other person will join the game. It is important to say that both people don’t need to have the title purchased or installed on the computer.
  • However, it will connect over Steam Remote to our PC. And you can see all we do, even take control of the mouse within the game.
  • The excellence is not entirely good, and depending on the type of game, it can be chaotic.
  • It does the job, though, and all too well, considering it’s a global Steam feature that works across all games, even those that may be over 20 years old.
  • Surely, Valve is gradually refining the operation of this feature. Nonetheless, for now, it works, and surely more than one will take.
  • Here is an opportunity to remember what it was like to share a keyboard with friends or how we played on a split-screen.