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Write for us

Write to us at ThenyTimesBlog. We offer you an excellent opportunity for new writers, technical content writers, freelance content writers, and guest writers to write (guest post or post) about us on technology, gadgets, marketing, business, artificial intelligence, and technology Blog, IoT, telecommunications. It’s an endless list of categories that you can write and send to us as a guest at

ThenyTimesBlog.Com: Our main goal is to provide absolutely perfect and high-quality content to our dear viewers. We focus mainly on the categories related to technology updates in daily life, business strategies that are changing the modern world.

We are often looking for technical content writers, professional freelance writers, guest writers, and new writers to contribute well-analyzed and totally plagiarism-free articles.

How can you become a ThenyTimesBlog contributor?

In order to be a regular contributor to ThenyTimesBlog, here are some tips to help you accept and publish your article:

Go to the home page and look at the first few pages to understand the articles we publish here.

Write content that focuses solely on quality and adds value for readers.

How to Submit Your Article to ThenyTimesBlog:

As soon as your article meets our guidelines, you can post it with us. mail at

Here are a few of the categories that We accept Articles from:


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Augmented Reality (AR),

Virtual Reality (VR),

Mixed Reality (MR)

Big Data


Business Intelligence (BI)

Cloud Computing

Cyber Security

Data Analytics, Data Integration, Data Visualization, Data Science


Fifth-Generation Technology (5G)

Information Technology (IT)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Machine learning (ML)

Nano Technology

Natural Language Processing (NLP)


Technology News and Trends Of Past, Present & Future

Many More Topics Which Comes Under Technology Category


Accounting & finance

Brand awareness, Branding


Business Education, Business History, Business Law

Business Models, Business Processes, Business Writing

Consumer loyalty & Consumer risk

Corporate responsibility, ethics & accountability

International Business

Project Management

Public Relations

Public-Private Partnerships

Strategies, Guides, Tactics, Tips & More!

Digital Marketing

Affiliate Marketing


Content Marketing

Digital Advertising

E-mail Marketing

Google Adwords, Bing Ads

Influencer Marketing

Marketing Strategy

PPC Guide (Pay Per Click Advertising)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO Tools

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Social Networks – Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube

Start-up Marketing

Video Marketing

Whatsapp Marketing


YouTube Marketing


Business Apps

E-Commerce Apps

Educational Apps

Entertainment Apps

Food Apps

Information and Reading Apps

Lifestyle Apps

Online Games Apps

Photo Editing Apps

Social Apps

Sports Apps

Technology Apps

Travel Apps

Video Editing Apps


Latest PC,




Gadgets Reviews & Opinions

Gaming Gadgets and Accessories

Smart TV’s,

Smart Watches,

Smart Speakers &

Smart Phones

Features, opinions, reviews, comparisons, reviews of the latest versions.

ThenyTimesBlog – Guest Post Submission Guidelines

We accept perfect, well-researched, and plagiarism-free content. Once you have submitted your content to, our editorial team will review it to make sure the article meets the following guidelines. Here are some guidelines to follow before submitting an article to ThenyTimesBlog.

  • Title, Headings, and Subtitles (Catchy): The article must contain correct catchy titles and a concise headline for publication. Divide the article into smaller sections as this will help our dear audience.
  • High-quality and unique content: content must be well-written, well-analyzed, and free of plagiarism. Make sure that the content you submit to us is not published on other blogs.
  • Avoid grammatical errors: The article should be revised using grammar to avoid grammatical errors and spelling errors in the content.
  • The number of words in the article must be at least 600 words. The article must be unique and provide the right perspective on our audience.
  • Image Format – Add high-resolution copyrighted images. The size must be 696 x 464 pixels. Images must be attached with your article. Images must be in PNG, JPEG, and GIF formats.
  • Document format: the document format of the article must be in Microsoft Word Documents or Google Documents.

Before submitting a final draft to us, please make sure your article meets the previous guest posting guidelines.

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To send us your article please email us at