Ever wondered what kind of dialect you speak? Take the New York Times dialect quiz to find out! This online interactive quiz uses cutting-edge technology to analyze regional language patterns and how they differ from state to state. See how you measure up and discover the unique diversity of American English!

The New York Times Dialect Quiz, “How You Measure Up,” is a quiz that aims to determine a person’s unique dialect based on the way they use certain words and phrases. The quiz consists of a series of questions about language use, and the results will show you which dialect of American English best represents the way you speak. The quiz is based on linguistic research and provides insights into a person’s linguistic background and the way they use language, and can also be a fun way to explore the diversity of American English dialects. You can take the quiz for free on the New York Times website by searching for “New York Times Dialect Quiz” and following the instructions.

Take the New York Times Dialect Quiz

Take the New York Times Dialect Quiz

Take your linguistic knowledge to the next level with the New York Times dialect quiz! This easy-to-use online interactive quiz uses cutting-edge technology to accurately analyze language patterns and see just how they vary from state to state. Discover the unique intricacies of American English, and see just how well you know your regional dialect!

New York Times Dialect Quiz

New York Times Dialect Quiz

The New York Times Dialect Quiz is a quiz developed by The New York Times that aims to determine a person’s unique dialect based on the way they use certain words and phrases. The quiz is based on linguistic research and uses a series of questions about language use to determine the speaker’s region and dialect. The results of the quiz can provide insights into a person’s linguistic background and the way they use language, and can also be a fun way to explore the diversity of American English dialects.

nyt dialect quiz free

nyt dialect quiz free

Yes, the New York Times Dialect is available for free on the New York Times website. Simply go to the website, search for “New York Times Dialect Quiz,” and follow the instructions to take the quiz. The results of the quiz will show you which dialect of American English best represents the way you speak.

new york times dialect quiz 2021

 quiz 2021

The New York Times Dialect was originally published in 2013, but it has been updated and republished multiple times, including in 2021. The latest version of the quiz is available on the New York Times website and can be taken for free. It consists of a series of questions about language use, and the results will show you which dialect of American English best represents the way you speak.

new york times dialect quiz 2020

quiz 2020

The New York Times Dialect was available on the New York Times website in 2020 and can still be taken today. The quiz consists of a series of questions about language use, and the results will show you which dialect of American English best represents the way you speak. The quiz is based on linguistic research and provides insights into a person’s linguistic background and the way they use language. It can also be a fun way to explore the diversity of American English dialects.

dialect test harvard

dialect test harvard

You may be referring to the Harvard Dialect Survey, which is a linguistics research project conducted by Bert Vaux and Scott Golder at Harvard University. The survey aims to collect data on the regional and social variation in American English, and to explore the relationships between language use and other aspects of people’s lives. The survey consists of a questionnaire with questions about words and phrases commonly used in different regions of the United States, and the results are used to analyze patterns in language use across the country. The Harvard Dialect Survey has been widely cited in academic research on language and dialect, and has contributed to our understanding of the diversity of American English.