Security Drones

Security drones services can be tailored to multiple needs: business, public safety, government responsibilities. Or management of local or national infrastructure.

Surveillance of industrial or business facilities with drones

  • Both land and buildings can be included. On them, you can create topographic plans in 2d and 3d.
  • Likewise, it is monitored and controlled to prevent intruders from entering your property with air patrol missions.
  • However, this surveillance allows you to identify who enters your property and prevents them from stealing valuable items.
  • And also, in the event of a claim, it is the fastest way to get to places to monitor or assess the damage.

Use of drones in Civil Protection and Public Security

  • In security matters, the use of drones is very useful for surveillance and reconnaissance tasks.
  • In forestry aspects, drones are an invaluable tool for detecting clandestine logging, detecting fires and supporting surface personnel, reducing the risk of human losses.
  • However, for search and rescue, with thermal cameras and the ease of entering hard-to-reach places, great results are achieving.
  • In terms of civil protection, drones make it possible to assess the damage caused by a natural disaster since inaccessible places can be accessing by other means.
  • High definition video and images can be obtained in real-time that allow the location of victims in record time and is a valuable tool for timely decision-making.

Why request a quote through the Proventum Network?

Red Proventum is an option for all companies that need to contract a product or service with special characteristics.

Due to their degree of specialization, it is not easy to locate a qualified provider, such as surveillance and security services with drones.

At the same time, Red Proventum is an instrument to contact Business Providers of the most diverse specialities with the users of its services.

Some of the services that you can quote through our channel are:

  • Specialized Insurance
  • Sale of Professional Drones
  • Specialized services with Drones
  • Engineering Services in all its Branches
  • Architecture, Planning and Urban Management Services
  • ISO certifications
  • Industrial Inspection Services
  • Business Consulting of various specialties
  • Environmental Management Services
  • Technology Services